How to reduce long-term stress in your IT career and avoid that gut-wrenching feeling

As a senior IT professional, it’s easy to feel chased by deadlines and high-stakes projects.

Summer vacation is just around the corner, and if you work in IT, you’ve probably experienced your fair share of stress while trying to wrap up all your tasks before taking your break. Techniques like massages, meditation, walks, and other relaxation methods can help manage short-term stress – but there’s also a smart and straightforward way to reduce long-term stress in your career.


Not only that: it can also boost your career when it comes to new job opportunities and job satisfaction. The answer? A proactive career.

The value of time & staying ahead

The key to long-term stability in your career is proactivel thinking. By consistently dedicating time to your career, you can stay ahead of the curve, especially when you’re looking for new opportunities. Unlike a traditional waiting list, where your value is tied to how long you’ve waited, time in your career can be invested and used to build valuable experience, networks, and skills.


Think of it this way: is it less stressful and more effective to spend one hour a month planning your career over the course of a year, or to cram 12 hours of career planning in a single sitting when you desperately need a new job?

How long it can take: Kristin’s journey

Kristin, a DevOps Engineer at an in-house IT department in Gothenburg, Sweden, started contemplating a career move in late 2022. A colleague told her about us at Worko, and she reached out to us in November. After a few conversations, she realized she’d like to try consulting in the future.


However, she had some ongoing projects to complete and wanted to stay on with her team for at least another year. During this time, the workload increased significantly, and by the time her projects were finished, her stress levels had gone up since our initial contact.


Thanks to her forward thinking, she had already laid the groundwork, and we were able to help her find the right opportunity when she was ready. Today, she’s a consultant and is so much happier in her role. The entire process took about 1.5 years, and she’s grateful she started preparing well in advance.

IT is a stressful industry

In today’s digitized world, a lot depends on technology running smoothly. IT professionals often face high expectations, fast-paced problem-solving in complex systems, and considerable responsibility—all of which add pressure and contribute to stress.


That’s why it’s crucial to take care of yourself and use every tool available to manage stress. By planning your career, you can reduce incoming stress over time and improve your day-to-day long-term.

The real benefits of being proactive

By taking a proactive approach to your career, you can:

•   Increase your salary – few things can bump up your pay like a new job

•   Build a strong network that can open doors to new opportunities

•   Stay updated on in-demand skills in your field

•   Identify interesting companies and roles for your future career

Consistently working on your career development can lower stress and increase the chances of finding the right opportunities at the right time. With greater self-awareness, you’ll also know where to compensate and what your dealbreakers are.

“I’m driven by growth, so learning new things is rarely what feels challenging or stressful. It’s actually rather my work environment, managers, colleagues, and my salary that affect how much stress I’m willing to put up with.”


– Therese, IT Architect, Stockholm

Active career planning: how to do it

1. Define what matters most to you at work

Is it a higher salary, great colleagues, or something else?

2. Think about your long-term goals

Do you want to stay with the same company for a long time, become a consultant, become a manager, start your own business, or leave it all behind and become a sheep farmer? You don’t need a whole life plan, but figure out even some small things you want, and plan out what steps your need to take to get there.

3. Regularly dedicate some time to career-related activities

Do something that will benefit your career, like learning more about a new topic, networking on LinkedIn, updating your CV, or seeking help from a recruitment specialist who knows your industry.

Worko is your career ally

Worko is your strategic partner for your career. With our long-term data-driven approach, we help senior IT professionals optimize their careers. As your pal, we can match you with the best job offers at the right time for you, help you stay ahead in your career planning, and reduce the stress of career decisions and job searching.


By planning your career with us, you increase your chances of finding your next dream job—completely free of charge. Let us handle the stressful part, so you can focus on what truly matters. Discover the power of proactive career management—you’ve got nothing to lose.

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