Who’s the highest bidder? The best paying job could be yours with a proactive career approach

Smart time management can make all the difference in the IT and Construction industries.

Why bother exploring other companies if you’re happy where you are? The answer is simple: not only can you discover exciting new projects by continuing to attend interviews, but you can also significantly increase your salary by not staying at the same company without looking elsewhere.

A simple equation: keep interviewing – get a higher salary

Today’s job market is competitive, and there’s a severe talent shortage. In the IT and Construction industries, companies are desperate for developers and project managers. To attract the best talent, they must offer standout benefits and competitive salaries.


As a very competent candidate, being involved in multiple interview processes simultaneously creates an environment where attractive offers continuously come your way. This dynamic allows you to negotiate substantial salary increases – it’s simply a matter of supply and demand.

What’s hard to get becomes even more desirable

The old adage that ”we want what we can’t have” holds true in recruitment today. If you’re highly skilled and experienced, all you need to do is attend interviews whenever possible to signal to companies that you’re open to opportunities – and let the bidding war begin.


By actively engaging in multiple interview processes, you position employers to compete for you, pushing them to present their best offers. This is the recruiters’ least favourite situation, as it forces companies to stand out with the best deals – and there’s almost always another company willing to offer you more.

You hold the power – use it!

When you’re juggling multiple offers, you hold all the cards. This leaves all stress to the recruiters, allowing you to calmly choose the employer with the best offer, or to decline entirely and wait for an even better opportunity.


Staying cool and collected during negotiations, without appearing desperate, strengthens your position and ensures you make the best choice. This approach lets you carefully weigh your options. You compare everything else in life – why not your employer?

Money isn’t everything – but it matters

Money runs the world in many ways. It shapes our lives: where we live, what we do, and how our futures look. While your salary doesn’t define you, it can have a significant impact on your quality of life and the well-being of your loved ones. That alone is reason enough to start being strategic and proactive in your career. It doesn’t take much effort – give it a try!

Ways to increase your income

1. Know what matters to you before your interviews

Having a clear vision of your desired salary, benefits, and the types of projects you like gives you a better starting point than those who aren’t sure of what they want. By understanding what you’re looking for, you can focus only on companies that match your needs, saving time and increasing your success rate.

2. Change jobs – it’s easier to get a raise at a new company

Staying at the same company usually results in modest yearly raises, but they’re rarely significant. On average, salaries increase by just a few percentage points annually. If you want a substantial raise, your best bet is to switch companies and negotiate a higher starting salary.

3. Be honest with your boss – leveraging pressure from competition could result in a raise

If competing companies are actively pursuing you, you can use this to your advantage with your current employer. Let them know that you’ve gotten a better offer from another company, and they might be willing to increase your salary to keep you on. This way, you could secure a better deal without changing jobs – just by being aware of the job market dynamics.

The competition for talent has created lucrative offers recently. The last 15 years have been a candidate-driven job market, with rising average salaries for IT and Construction professionals due to the shortage of skilled workers. Today, you can secure better benefits and higher salaries than ever before.


Staying active in the job market and taking a long-term view of your career is the best way to ensure consistent salary growth. Even if you’re happy in your current role, you can benefit from looking around and attending interviews. 

Ready to make a change?

We at Worko are here to help you take the next step in your career. We match your skills, values, and timing with the right company and help you take the next step in your career – whenever you’re ready.